Chuckle 946
Chuckle 947
(Today's chuckle thanks go to Bev L of Florence OR!)
~Flat Tire~
(Plus: Today in History and Word for the Day.)
Here's one that was told to us at the bowling alley by Ron M.
A farmer is driving his truck filled with a load of manure past an insane asylum when he gets a flat tire. While fixing the flat, one of the inmates wanders over to the fence and asks the farmer what he's going to do with the manure. The farmer tells him he's going to spread it on his strawberries. To which the inmate replies, "And they call us crazy - we put whipped cream on ours" ***
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• Today in history
Word of the Day for Wednesday February 8, 2006
milieu \meel-YUH; meel-YOO\, noun;plural milieus or milieux:Environment; setting.
These were agricultural areas, populated with prosperous farming families and rural artisans -- a completely different milieu from the Monferrands', which was more closed, more cultured, but less affluent.-- Antoine de Baecque and Serge Toubiana, Truffaut
Half a century later, Zacarías still remembers . . how they all played together without distinctions or hierarchy, and how easily Ernesto related to people from different social and cultural milieux.-- Jorge G. Castaneda, Compañero
They write about their milieux, about where they live and work, and it can be fabulous.-- Leslie Schenk, "Celebrating Mavis Gallant," World Literature Today, Winter 1998
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