Chuckle 1677
Chuckle 1677
(Jo R of Florence gets today's chuckle thanks!)
~The Exam ~
(Plus: Today in History, Word for the Day, Today's Horoscope
and Six Differences.)
An old man went to the doctors and his wife went with him.
After the doctor did his examination he said to the old man. I will need a sperm sample, a urine sample, and a stool sample.
The old man looked over at his wife and asked; "What did he say?"
The old lady leaned over and hollered in his ear; "JUST GIVE HIM YOUR UNDERWEAR!"
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. Today in history
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Chuckle Gems.
Charlene S of Florence OR has decided to share her woes by
writing this summary of my last year on the computer. Thanks Char!!
I no longer go to shopping malls because someone will drug me with a perfume sample and rob me.
I no longer receive packages from UPS or Fed Ex since they are actually Al Qaeda in disguise.
I no longer shop at Target since they are French and don't support our American troops or the Salvation Army.
(Find the 6 differences, answers below.)
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