Chuckle 2270
Chuckle 2270
(Linda M of Eugene OR gets today's chuckle thanks.)
~Highway Traffic Signs~ (2nd Time around)
(Also; Today in History, Word for the Day, Today’s Horoscope, and Maxine,
Parked on the side of the road waiting to catch speeding drivers, a state trooper sees a car puttering along at 22 mph.
He thinks to himself, "This driver is just as dangerous as a speeder!"
So he turns on his lights and pulls the driver over.
Approaching the car, he notices that there are five elderly ladies, two in the front seat and three in the back seat. All of them are wide-eyed and white as ghosts.
The driver, obviously confused, says to him, "Officer, I don't understand. I was going the exact speed limit. What seems to be the problem?"
The trooper trying to contain a chuckle, explains to her that 22 was the route number, not the speed limit. A bit embarrassed, the woman grinned and thanked the officer for pointing out her error.
"But before you go, Ma'am, I have to ask, is everyone in this car OK? These women seem awfully shaken."
"Oh, they'll be all right in a minute, officer. We just got off Highway 127."
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(Click Today in History and learn.)
Today in History from Yahoo
(Sharpen your vocabulary by clicking Word for the Day)
(Word for the Day)
(For today's Horoscope click Today's Horoscope)
Today's Horoscope )
(Maxine on Winter from Bev L of Mt. Vernon WA.)
Doctor Funnies from Pat M of Florence OR
4. During a patient's two week follow-up appointment with his cardiologist, he informed me, his doctor, that he was having trouble with one of his medications. Which one, I asked? The patch, the nurse told me to put on a new one every six hours, and now I'm running out of places to put it! I had him quickly undress, and discovered what I hoped I wouldn't see. Yes, the man had over fifty patches on his body! Now, the instructions include removal of the old patch before applying a new one.
Submitted by Dr. Rebecca St. Clair, Norfolk, VA.
(Have a great day)
Doctor Funnies from Pat M of Florence OR
4. During a patient's two week follow-up appointment with his cardiologist, he informed me, his doctor, that he was having trouble with one of his medications. Which one, I asked? The patch, the nurse told me to put on a new one every six hours, and now I'm running out of places to put it! I had him quickly undress, and discovered what I hoped I wouldn't see. Yes, the man had over fifty patches on his body! Now, the instructions include removal of the old patch before applying a new one.
Submitted by Dr. Rebecca St. Clair, Norfolk, VA.
(Have a great day)
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