Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Chuckle 3717

Chuckle 3717
(Today’s Chuckle thanks go to Mac M of Florence)

~No Dogs Allowed~ (Plus: today in history, word for the day, todays horoscope, Maxine and Herman)

Guy walks into a bar and trailing behind is an old, mangy dog who promptly curls up in a corner and goes to sleep as the guy is bellying up to the bar. Bartender comes over and says:  "No dogs allowed in here, you'll have to put him outside."

Guy says: "You can see he's an old dog, it's cold out there and I take him everywhere.  If he can do a trick you like will you let him stay?"

Bartender says: "Him do a trick?   That I would like to see."

Guy goes up to the dog and yells: "Navy beat Army".   Dog's ears immediately come up, he pops up, jumps on the bar, does thirteen back flips, barks out the rhythm of Anchors Weigh, jumps off the bar and promptly goes back to sleep in the corner.

Bartender says:  "That really is something - what does he do when Army beats Navy?"

Guy replies:

" How would II know - he's just thirteen years old !  "

Have a great NAVY day !


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