Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Chuckle 4899 Classic

Chuckle 4899
Chuckle 457 (Sent out in July 2017
(Bev L in Florence OR, Carrie M in Sacramento CA gets today's chuckle thanks!)
~Ingredients~ (From Bev) ( Plus: Today in history, Word for the day, Today’s horoscope, Maxine and 6 Diff’s)
I knew it, I knew it. I knew they would finally release the ingredients in Viagra:
3% Vitamin E
2% Aspirin
2% Ibuprofen
1% Vitamin C
5% Spray Starch
87% Fix-A-Flat
~Why Yelling at a Man Doesn't Work~ (From Carrie)
What a woman says: This place is a mess! C'mon! You and I need to clean up! Your stuff is lying on the floor and you'll have no clothes to wear if we don't do laundry right now!

What a man hears:
blah,blah,blah,blah, C'MON
blah,blah,blah,blah, YOU AND I
blah,blah,blah,blah, ON THE FLOOR
blah,blah,blah,blah, NO CLOTHES
blah,blah,blah,blah, RIGHT NOW

(Today in History Click)

(Sharpen your vocabulary by clicking Word for the Day)

(For today's Horoscope click Today's Horoscope)




 Eye exercise time; Spot the 6 diff’s


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