Chuckle 1762
Chuckle 1762
(Today's chuckle thanks go to Goldie C of Florence OR!)
~Italian Girl~
(Plus: Today in History, Word for the Day and Today’s Horoscope.)
A woman goes to Italy to attend 2-week, company training session.
Her husband drives her to the airport and wishes her a good trip.
The wife RESPONDS: "Thank you honey, what would you like me to bring BACK for you?"
The husband laughs and says: "An Italian girL!!!"
The woman kept quiet and left. Two weeks later he picks her up in the airport and asks:
"So, honey, how was the trip?"
"Very good, thank you."
"And, what happened to my present?"
"Which present?" She asked.
"The one WHERE I asked for an Italian girl!!"
"Oh, that" she said
"Well, I did what I COULD; now we have to wait nine months to see if it is a girl!!!"
Moral of the story: Don’t tempt a woman. ***
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(Do you remember the movie actor below?
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William Powell (1892–1984)
“Have a nice day!”
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