Thursday, October 09, 2014

Chuckle 3652

Chuckle 3652
(Today’s Chuckle thanks go to Jane C of Florence OR)

~More Church Humor~ (Plus: today in history, word for the day, today’s horoscope, Maxine and 6 diff’s)
Attending a wedding for the first time, a little girl whispered to her mother, 'Why is the bride dressed in white?''

The mother replied, 'Because white is the color of happiness, and today is the happiest day of her life.'

The child thought about this for a moment then said, 'So why is the groom wearing black?' 

Three boys are in the school yard bragging about
their fathers.
The first boy says, 'My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a poem, they give him $50.'

The second boy says, 'That's nothing. My Dad scribbles a few words on piece of paper, he calls it a song, and they give him $100.'
The third boy says, 'I got you both beat. My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a sermon, and it takes eight people to collect all the money!'
(Today in History Click)

(Sharpen your vocabulary by clicking Word for the Day)

(For today's Horoscope click Today's Horoscope)




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