Sunday, August 02, 2020

Chuckle 5421

Chuckle 5421 Classic
Chuckle 829 (sent out in Oct 2005)
(Pat M of Florence OR gets today's chuckle thanks!)

~Having a Bad Day???~
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In  a  hospital's  Intensive  Care Unit,  patients  always  died  in the same  bed,  on  Sunday  morning,  at  about  11:00  a.m., regardless of their  medical  condition. This puzzled the doctors  and some even  thought   it  had something to  do  with  the  supernatural.   No one could solve the mystery as to why the deaths occurred around 11:00 a.m.  on  Sunday,  so  a worldwide  team  of experts  was  assembled  to   investigate  the cause of  the incidents. 

The  next  Sunday  morning,  a  few minutes   before  11:00  a.m., all of the  doctors  and  nurses  nervously  waited  outside  the   ward to see for themselves what  the   terrible  phenomenon  was  all  about. Some were holding wooden crosses, prayer   books, and other holy objects to ward   off the evil spirits. 

Just  when  the   clock  struck  11:00, Pookie   Johnson,  the part-time Sunday  sweeper, entered   the  ward and unplugged  the life support system so he could  use  the  vacuum cleaner. 
Having a Bad Day???? 

The  average  cost  of   rehabilitating a  seal  after  the  Exxon Valdez Oil  spill  in Alaska  was  $80,000.00.   At   a  special ceremony, two of the  most  expensively  saved  animals  were being  released back into the  wild  amid cheers and  applause   from  onlookers. A minute later, in full view, a killer  whale  ate  them   both. 


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