Chuckle 1436
Chuckle 1436
(Rich W of Pasa Robles CA gets today's chuckle thanks!)
(Plus: Today in History and Word for the Day.)
A guy out on the golf course takes a high speed ball right in the crotch. Writhing in agony, he falls to the ground. As soon as he could manage, he took himself to the doctor.
He said "How bad is it doc? I'm going on my honeymoon next week and my fiancé is still a virgin - in every way"
The doctor told him, "I'll have to put your Willie in a splint to let it heal and keep it straight. It should be okay next week." He took four tongue depressors and formed a neat little 4 sided splint, and taped it all together; an impressive work of art.
The guy mentions none of this to his girl, marries her, and goes on their honeymoon.
That night in the motel room, she rips open her blouse to reveal her beautiful breasts. She said, "You're the first; no one has EVER touched these."
He immediately drops his pants and replies,"Look at this, still in the CRATE!" ***
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(Click Today in History and learn.)
. Today in history
(Sharpen your vocabulary by clicking Word for the Day)
(Word for the Day)
(Sandy J of Florence OR gets thanks for these chuckle gems)
Ever wondered what happens when Hallmark writers are having a bad day........
My tire was thumping.
I thought it was flat
When I looked at the tire...
I noticed your cat.
Heard your wife left you,
How upset you must be.
But don't fret about it...
She moved in with me
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