Chuckle 1028
Chuckle 1028
(Rich W of Scotts Valley gets today's chuckle thanks!)
~Good Ole Boys~
(Plus: Today in History and Word for the Day)
Two good ole boys down in Alabama were sitting around talking one afternoon over a cold beer... After a while the 1st guy says to the 2nd, "If'n I was to sneak over to your trailer Saturday & make love to your wife while you was off huntin', and she got pregnant and had a baby, would that make us kin?"
The 2nd guy crooked his head sideways for a minute, scratched his
head, and squinted his eyes thinking real hard about the question.
Finally, he says, "Well, I don't know about kin, but it sure would make us even." ***
~IT Guys~
Two IT guys were talking in a bar after work. "Guess what," says the first IT guy, "yesterday, I met this gorgeous blonde in a bar."
"What did you do?" says the other IT guy.
"Well, I invited her over to my place, we had a couple of drinks, we got into the mood and then she suddenly asked me to take all her clothes off."
"You're kidding me!" says the second IT guy.
"I took her miniskirt off, and then I lifted her and put her on my desk next to my new laptop."
"Really? You got a new laptop?" ***
(Click Today in History and learn.)
• Today in history
Word of the Day for Sunday April 30, 2006
gloaming \GLOH-ming\, noun:Twilight; dusk.
The children squealed and waved and smiled, their teeth flashing white in the gloaming.-- Evan Thomas, Robert Kennedy: His Life
It was the gloaming, when a man cannot make out if the nebulous figure he glimpses in the shadows is angel or demon, when the face of evening is stained by red clouds and wounded by lights.-- Homero Aridjis, 1492: The Life and Times of Juan Cabezon of Castile (translated by Betty Ferber)
Arrived at the village station on a wintry evening, when the gloaming is punctuated by the cheery household lamps, shining here and there like golden stars, through the leafless trees.-- Margaret Sangster